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Adopt-A-Nest Program allows donors to symbolically adopt a sea turtle nest. The name and photo of choice will be used to create a turtle donation sign that gets placed at the actual nest on the beach. They will also receive an adoption packet containing an adoption certificate, photo, and thank you letter from our team. Adopt-A-Nest is $149. All proceeds from the Adopt A Nest program go directly towards purchasing materials necessary to conduct our daily surveys.

Need to Know:

How to help us keep the beach ready for new turtles:

    • Fill in the holes! Turtles can get stuck or flip over in holes left on the beach, it’s best to fill in any holes at the end of day to ensure a safe surface for the turtles to crawl on
    • Pack in, pack out! Please clean up all your stuff, including bottle caps, plastic bags, straws, cigarette butts, diapers, toys, etc. to leave a clean beach for the turtles to nest on
    • Minimize beach activity after sunset, any noise or lights may discourage a turtle from nesting on our beach
    • Reduce all beachfront lighting, hatchlings use the moonlight to guide them to the ocean and any artificial lighting can lead them astray and reduce their chances of survival.

Adopt a Nest Form

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Corporate/School/Group Name
*Address 1
Address 2
*Amount ($USD)
I want to Adopt a Nest
Enter $149 in the Amount Box. Once your donation is complete, you will receive an adoption packet containing an adoption certificate, photo, and thank you letter from our team within 14 days.
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